Manual Osteopathic Therapy and Registered Massage Therapy
Providing a safe and therapeutic solution to your health, osteopathy has emerged to aid your body in restoring your systems. This allows your body to heal, to maintain, and to improve from its current state. Do you suffer from pain? Have you sustained injuries in the past? Do you feel as though you aren’t able to move as freely as you once could? We can work with your body’s structures to improve your current state and prevent future complications from arising.

Manual Osteopathic Therapy:
Initial Assessment (two hour session) full and comprehensive intake with assessments and initial treatment $150 + GST
Osteopathic Treatment (75 minutes) assessment and treatments $125 + GST
Osteopathic Treatment (2 hours)
$165 + GST

Registered Massage Therapy
45 minutes $85 + GST
60 minutes $105 + GST
75 minutes $125 + GST
90 minutes $140 + GST
120 minutes $165 + GST

About Us
I’m Meaghan. I love the outdoors and nature. I love being active, creative, and working with my hands. I live and work just outside of a National Park, giving me the opportunity for fresh air, nature and beauty on a daily basis.
The path to present happiness has been a very interesting one indeed, one embedded with opportunities to learn, and where I have found incredible sources of inspiration. I returned to formal education in my forties, following a deep passion for science and physiology. The completion of Registered Massage Therapy in 2019 found me delving into therapeutics and questioning the long standing effects of a single modality when dealing with an entire body comprised of multiple systems. I was compelled to continue, and found Osteopathy and its fundamentals aligned well with my perspectives on health. Thus, I went on to complete Manual Osteopathic Therapy in March of 2021.
Reiki and cupping met me along the way, as with the interest in sound and sense therapy, and a focus on bringing our parasympathetic nervous system to the forefront. The opportunity to experience various forms of clinical environments throughout my journey, preparing and guiding me to the type of environment I feel compelled to offer has been nothing short of a blessing. I welcome you to my space.
Continuing education and practice in the field of physiology, anatomy and integration is certainly the path I am meant to be on. Science is living and evolving, as our minds and lives concurrently exist. My commitment to curious improvement within this field translates not only to not only increased knowledge and awareness, but to the benefit of the health of my sphere and my community.
The ability to live where I work, and work where I live is a gift. The energy here is palpable.

Contact Us
- 130 East Avenue, PO Box 279, Onanole, MB, Canada
- 4313213201 (text preferable)